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St John Fisher Catholic Voluntary Academy

Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust

Careers Programme of Study

Careers Education Programme at St John Fisher Catholic Voluntary Academy

The Careers programme is studied through dedicated timetabled lessons across each key stage by a specialist staff. Bea Maggiore is the named Careers Leader and we have access to our two independent careers advisers who are based in school and provide impartial careers information, advice and guidance. We have completed the Compass Tool to track and develop Careers Provision in school and to meet all the Gatsby Benchmarks.


The impact of the Careers programme is measured in many ways including:

  • Tri annual Quality in Careers Standard (of all key stages).
  • The implementation of the Gatsby Benchmarks and auditing of this using the Compass Tool.
  • The Careers Advisers Activity Survey (Collates NEETS and destinations)
  • Head of Careers and the Careers Adviser's write their own annual report detailing the impact of careers provision for the year.
  • Head of PSHCE audits the schemes of work to ensure they are relevant and reflect current issues.
  • Head of PSHCE collates both student and employer evaluations of year 11 mock interviews.


Contact information:

Bea Maggiore:

Email –


Transition Information

Year 6 Seal days discuss targets and achievements with students and focus on their successes at Primary School and goals for Secondary School.


Year 7 and 8


  1. Career Definitions: My Dream Future.

Personal Qualities and Skills: How well I know myself.

(Gatsby 1,2,3)

Introduction to the concept of Careers Education. Students create a dream future and start to consider how they might achieve their dreams. They will consider personal qualities, skills and be able to make a realistic self- assessment.

  1. The World of Work

Challenging Gender Stereotypes


(Gatsby 1,2,3)

 To widen perception and knowledge of the world of work- Through discussion/activities they will consider the importance of different jobs, skills, qualities and stereotypes.



3         Introduction to Decision Making/Action Planning

(Gatsby 1,2,3,8)

a)       Introduction to Decision Making

Introduction to the concept of decision making and how decisions can impact on futures.

b)      How to be a ‘SMART COOKIE’

 Introduces students to a stepped approach to achieving goals by learning how to devise a personal action plan with SMART targets and how these can be incorporated into an action plan.

Year 9



Decision Making

Introduction to LMI

(Gatsby 1,2,3)

Introduction to LMI: Labour Market Information; what it is and the factors that affect it.

Meaningful encounter with employers

(Gatsby 5)

Year 9 ‘Prison? Me? No Way!’

 Several workshops run by Prison Officers, Police and Fire Brigade.

Subject Choices and Options

(Gatsby 1,2,3,4)

Option Choice and Progression Routes

This lesson introduces students to the options available to them in key stage 4. It makes them aware of the national qualifications framework and the main pathways and routes available.

Individual Learning Plans

This lesson enables students to complete an individual learning plan. It builds on the Year 8 lesson on goals and smart targets and allows students to explore possible jobs related to subjects.

 C&K Directions Booklets given to each student.

Year 9 Preference Evening-February

Subject Tutors and C&K Careers Advisers available to talk to students and Parents.


Introduction to Careers Advisers in School.

Introduction to Careers Resources available online and in the Careers Library.

Year 9 are made aware of drop-in offered during break and lunch.

(Gatsby 2,3,4,8)

 Group sessions to all Year 9 students through PSHCE/RE. Students complete the JED Quiz, subject search and Look at National Careers website and  Students will understand the importance of information in decision making.

Year 10


1. Developing Enterprise Skills

Preparing for the World of Work

Have access to a range of activities including employer talks, careers fairs and work experience.

(Gatsby 1, 2, 4, 5)

Develop and Deliver sessions on:

1. Work Experience-this lesson explores the benefits of being given the opportunity to participate in Work Experience.

2. Post 16 choices-this lesson explores the advantages and disadvantages of the various options.

3. Job skills and Qualities-the lesson explores the skills and qualities desired in relation to work and allows time to identify their own skills and qualities.

2.Have at least one meaningful encounter with an employer


2. Introduction to Post 16 Options

These sessions are delivered through PSHCE/RE classes.

(Gatsby 1,2,3,7,8)


3.       One to one Careers  Appointments

Students are given the opportunity to attend their first Careers Appointment


(Gatsby 8)


Year 11



At least 1 meaningful encounter with an employer

Mock Interviews for all Year 11 Students


-Compiling a CV

-Trends at work

-Personal Statements

-Interviewing skills and Mock Interviews

-Apply to Sixth Forms, Colleges and Training Providers

(Gatsby 1,2,3,5,7)

How am I going to present myself well?

Compiling a CV.

Trends at Work

This lesson looks at what is happening to jobs and the sort of jobs predicted for the future. It uses LMI information from National Careers and Leeds City Region.

Personal Statements and Career Planning and Career Planning

This lesson teaches students what should be included in a personal statement and how best to write one. Students will also revisit smart targets and action planning. Preparation for mock interviews.



Individual guidance interviews. All Year 11 students are invited to a Careers Guidance appointment. These take place in the Careers Office in the Library. Students who have been identified in the Vulnerable/targeted groups will be offered the number of appointments as individual needs require.

(Gatsby 8,3)

1:1 Guidance Appointments and will provide support to make applications to Sixth Forms/Colleges/Apprenticeships as appropriate.



(Gatsby 1,2,3,8)

Small/individual sessions to help inform students about Apprenticeships and be more aware of the opportunities and will support them to register for the NAS website. Give support to be matched to C&K Careers Apprenticeship vacancies. Support to apply for apprenticeship vacancies and appropriate learning providers.

Access to Careers Information and LMI

All students will be aware of resources/how to access Careers Information Leaflets from National Careers website/CK Careersonline website/Leeds City Region LMI and up-to-date Information folders in the Library


Local Sixth Form and College Prospectuses are available in the Careers Section of the Library.

(Gatsby 1,3,7,8)

Careers Advisers will ensure that students are aware of the resources available both online and in the Careers Resource section of the Library.



Advisers are available for drop-in during break and lunch.

Year 12/13

All students receive an appointment with the Careers Advisor.


Year 12 – guest speakers are invited in to talk about post 16 options including university and apprenticeships.

Learning mentor is available for Careers Advice.

Students are made aware of available apprenticeships by the careers advisors.

Careers advisors attend parents evening.

Year 13 – are supported in their UCAS applications by the learning mentor, form tutor and director of study.