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St John Fisher Catholic Voluntary Academy

Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust

Annual Report to Parents & Governors

St John Fisher Catholic Voluntary Academy Dewsbury

Part of the Blessed Peter Snow Academy Trust

Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are fully included in the school with appropriate intervention and level of support to enable them to access the curriculum and make progress. The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice lies at the heart of the school’s SEND policy and sets out the processes and procedures to meet the needs of children. The Code describes a graduated approach which takes the form of a four-part cycle of Assess, Plan Do, Review through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing understanding of the pupil’s needs and of what supports the pupil in making good progress and securing good outcomes. If further support is required the school may request a statutory assessment of, which may result in an Education and Health Plan being issued to the child.

SEND profile by year group: (14.9.22)



Under the Code of Practice 2014 ‘quality first teaching’ (wave 1) is to be undertaken by all teachers. Wave 2 provides additional interventions to enable students to meet age related expectations. Wave 3 is additional highly personalised interventions.

Wave 2 intervention

The Learning Support Unit (LSU) is a resource which is tailored to suit the student’s individual needs. Some students access the LSU for 1 session a week whereas some students access the provision for up to 3 sessions a week. The ‘Nessy’ computer package is designed to assist students with their spelling and phonics. Accelerated reader, `MyOns/REN learning` was introduced in September. Students complete an assessment termly and their reading age is measured. 

Wave 3 intervention

Students who are targeted for extra intervention due to their ‘cognition and learning’ needs access SEND withdrawal in The Orchard.  This is led by the SENDCO Work will be completed using a variety of resources recommended by Speech and Language (SALT) Students with dyslexia or dyslexic traits, undertake the Dockside reading scheme and phonics resources. Impact is measured through testing using WRAT 5 (Wide Range Achievement Test) and standard scores are tracked and gains measured.


TA intervention

Teaching Assistant intervention takes place four mornings a week in the Learning Hub.  A record amount of students are accessing this intervention this year with approximately 75 from Years 7-11

The main focus is pre-teaching of core vocabulary with resources used from the Elklan Secondary Language builders. The new core vocabulary words are revisited throughout the year. Some students  have a vocab book where they can write down any new words they may come across in lessons, which in turn are then discussed in the morning TA intervention.

SEND mentoring takes place every Friday, where students who are identified with SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) have a weekly/ fortnightly mentoring sessions

SULP (Social Use of Language Programme, by Dr Wendy Rinaldi)

The Assistant SENDCO facilitates this very valuable intervention. There are approximately 25 students who access this.


The Orchard

The Orchard will shortly be moving to the main part of the school. The Orchard is a `hub` of activity for SEND and vulnerable students. SEND mentoring, SEMH support, Wave 3 intervention and entry level lesson take place up there.

Students who access SEMH support complete a variety of resources such `Language for behaviour and emotions` Emotional literacy, `Activities to help Young People deal with anger`, `Activities for building self-confidence`, `Resilience coping strategies`, `Talk about for teenagers; developing social and emotional communication skills, developing self-awareness and self-esteem and `Zones of regulation` . Students who access these resources either weekly or fortnightly, complete an SDQ (strengths and difficulties questionnaire) at the beginning of the intervention, and at the end which is then tracked.

Students with a diagnosis of ASC, receive sessions where they complete work on The ASD workbook.

Staff training

Teaching Assistants have undergone training on, Access arrangement section 4 scribe training and certification, Safeguarding and accelerated reader. Some Teaching Assistants have received physio, and feeding training to support the needs of the current students.

The SENDCO is part of the `Decision to Assess` group with SENDACT at Kirklees Council and sits on the panel monthly. From January 2023 onwards, the SENDCO will sit on the Extended decision Making Group with SENDACT.

 The SENDCO also completed refresher training for Access Arrangements and CPD modules from the National Autistic Society.

The SENDCO has had two successful SEND Audits completed in January 2022 and May 2022.

As part of CPD, The SENDCO will conduct SEND Audits at two other schools.

Download a copy of this report - SEND Annual Report for Parents & Governors